E-Safety – Instagram
Instagram is an incredibly popular app and service amongst smartphone users in general and school-age children in particular. It does need to be used with some care, however. The advice we tend to give students is as follows:
Check your privacy settings: MOST USERS should keep their posts private. Remember that this affects other users – if your posts are not private, their pictures can become public when you like them. This upsets people.
DON’T put your snapchat/kik/usernames on your public Instagram profile. This is asking for trouble.
How do I make my account private? Follow this link to find out: http://help.instagram.com/116024195217477
Advice for parents: http://help.instagram.com/154475974694511/
Safety tips from Instagram: http://help.instagram.com/369001149843369
And just for you – here’s a very useful guide for Parents: instagram_guide