Welcome to Class One
In Class 1 we have EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2 children. Their class teacher is Mrs Colegrove, Mrs Stewart is their HLTA and Miss Cummings, their teaching assistant, supports this busy environment every morning.
Have a look at our newsletter to see what we are learning about in Class 1 :
A typical week in EYFS will consist of;
- A daily phonics session
- Two mathematics sessions each week
- Creative activities
- Baking
- Modelling
- Building
- Handwriting
On an afternoon, curricular subjects of Science, RE, Art, Music, PE, Computing and Topic are taught.
Our EYFS children spend a lot of time in the outdoor environment learning through child initiated activities.
Staff are always available to discuss your child’s progress and preferred areas of learning.
Children in EYFS have home diaries which are given to parents at intervals throughout the year in order for families to share learning experiences from home. Learning journals from school are given to families at the end of each term so that children can share their curricular experiences and successes.
All children in Class 1 have access to fruit, cold drinking water and milk if they choose.
Children who have special educational needs are taught as inclusively as possible and also enjoy small group and 1:1 interventions to help their progress.
All relevant staff have Paediatric First Aid qualifications and regular safeguarding training.
All children have access to a fun and exciting curriculum. Please look at the photographs below to see what we’ve been up to this term.