Promoting Personal, Social and Health Education and Citizenship
As a school, we use the PSHE Association Programme of Study in which Relationships Education and Physical Health and Mental Wellbeing Education are taught through three core themes within which there is broad overlap and flexibility:
Core theme 1. Health and Wellbeing
Core theme 2. Relationships
Core theme 3. Living in the Wider World
Schools are expected to cover all three but it will mandatory for all schools to deliver health education and relationships and sex education (or ‘relationship education’ in primaries) by 2020.
The following topics are interwoven through our Curriculum Maps;
Families and People who Care for Me
Care and Friendships
Respectful relationships
Online Relationships
Being Safe
Mental Wellbeing
Internet Safety and Harms
Physical Health and Fitness
Healthy Eating
Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco
Health and Prevention
Basic First Aid
Changing Adolescent Body
As well as being interwoven throughout the curriculum, the school also uses discrete sessions to augment several of these topics. These include:
My Money Week
Internet Safety Week
Mini Police
St. John’s Ambulance Training
School Nurse Visits
Emotional Mental Health & Wellbeing Nurse
Vision North East
Police Dog Visits (Jet & Ben)
Safety Carousels
FISCH Initiative
Dedicated Assemblies
Family Group Sessions
Celebration Assemblies
KS3 Transition
Educate and Celebrate Activities
Parliamentary Outreach
Inter-School Debates
Visits to a variety of Places of Worship.
Outdoor & Woodland Learning through Woodland Trust and OASES.
Learning Outside the Classroom Residential Visits. (Robinwood, Lockerbie Manor, Giessen).
Picture News
Ramshaw Primary School now subscribe to Picture News to help provide an effective delivery of SMSC, including British values and Prevent .It also supports PSHE and Citizenship.